September 6 2018 VRSD Board Meeting


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ventura Regional Sanitation District Board of Directors will hold a REGULAR MEETING on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., at the Ventura Regional Sanitation District office, 1001 Partridge Drive, Ventura, California. The business to be transacted is as follows:



The Board agenda is posted at least 72 hours preceding the Board meeting, and contains all items on which Board action will be allowed pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Action will be taken on unanticipated items only when an emergency (as defined in Government Code Section 54956.5) exists or as otherwise allowed under Government Code Section 54954.2(b). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodation/assistance to participate in a District event, please call the California Relay Service TDD line at (800) 735-2929 or the Clerk of the Board at (805) 658-4642 at least 48 hours prior. Notification prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to participate. Copies of individual reports may be requested from the Clerk of the Board or viewed on the District’s website, at

1. Call Meeting to Order, Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Agenda Review (General Manager/Board of Directors)
Consider and approve, by majority vote, minor revisions to the Board agenda items or related attachments and any item added to, removed from, or continued from the Board agenda.

4. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda – 5 minute limit) Opportunity for members of the public to briefly address the Board on items NOT on the agenda, In accordance with Government Code Section 54953(a). Persons wishing to comment on agenda items should complete a speaker card and submit it (preferably before the meeting) to the Clerk. The Chairman will then recognize them at the appropriate time. Once recognized, persons should step to the podium, clearly state their name and address for the record, and address the item being considered in as brief, clear, and concise a manner as possible.

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 5 only) Matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, non-controversial, and are normally approved by one motion without discussion. If discussion is requested by a member of the Board on any Consent Agenda item, or if a member of the public wishes to comment on an item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate action.

5. Approval of Minutes: August 16, 2018 Special Meeting


6. Receive and File PFM Asset Management, LLC – 2nd Quarter Review of VRSD Investment Portfolio


REGULAR AGENDA (Items 7 through 13)

7. Approval of a New Central Administrative Indirect Cost Allocation Methodology Beginning in FY2019-20

  1. Receive and file the report from the Personnel & Finance (P&F) Committee on the issue of Central Administration Department indirect cost allocation; and
  2. Approve, and direct staff to implement, a new indirect cost allocation methodology for Central Administration costs based on VRSD expenses, beginning in FY 2019-20.
8. Proposed Amendments to:

  1. VRSD Contract No. 17-011 Between VRSD and Mark S. Norris Consulting, LLC; and
  2. VRSD Contract No. 15-044 Between VRSD and Triunfo Sanitation District

Approve, and authorize the Board Chair to execute, proposed contract amendments to VRSD Contract No. 17-011 with Mark S. Norris Consulting, LLC and VRSD Contract No. 15-014 with the Triunfo Sanitation District.

9. Biennial Review of Ventura Regional Sanitation District Conflict of Interest Code; Proposed Minor Amendment

  1. Approve and Adopt VRSD Resolution No. 18-03, establishing the 2018 Conflict of Interest Code.
  2. Direct District staff to file the VRSD 2018 Conflict of Interest Code proposed amendments with the Ventura County Board of Supervisors for approval.
  3. Direct District staff, upon approval of Ventura County Board of Supervisors, to promulgate the 2018 Conflict of Interest Code and ensure that Form 700 Statements of Economic Interests are filed appropriately by the designated staff persons.
10. Approval of Chairman Monahan’s Selection of the VRSD Alternate to the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance Board of Directors

Approve Chairman Monahan’s selection for appointment of an Alternate to the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance (VCREA) Board of Directors.


11. Approval of a Proposed Purchase Order to Bell Trucks America, Inc. for a New Bell B30E Off Road Rock Truck for Use at the Toland Road Landfill

Approve issuance of Purchase Order No. 2697 to Bell Trucks America, Inc. for a new Bell B30E off-road rock truck in an amount not to exceed $393,055.

12. Proposed Revisions to the Personnel & Salary (P&S) Ordinance (No, VRSD-97 as Amended)

A.              Revise Section 404 of the P&S Ordinance to give the General Manager, the discretionary authority to offer and grant an increase to the initial accrual rate of Comprehensive Annual Leave (CAL) up to the maximum rate for newly hired employees.

B.               Revise Section 404 of the P&S Ordinance to give the General Manager the discretionary authority to offer and grant a loan of CAL for newly hired employees, in the form of allowing a negative CAL balance to exist, in an amount not to exceed 80 hours.

INFORMATION ITEMS (Items 13through 16)

It is recommended that the Board receive and file the following:

13. Revenue and Expense ReportJuly 2018
14. Disbursement Report:   (none)
15. Investment Report: July 2018
16. Future Meetings, Seminars and Conferences

s   Sept. 12-14, 2018 – League of California Cities Annual Conference, Long Beach

s   Sept. 20, 2018, 8:30 a.m. – Regular Board Meeting (VRSD Board Room)

s   Sept. 24-27, 2018. – CSDA Annual Conference, Indian Wells

s   Oct. 2, 2018, 8:30 a.m. – P&F Committee (VRSD Board Room)

s   Oct. 4, 2018, 8:30 a.m. – Regular Board Meeting (VRSD Board Room)

s   Oct. 18, 2018, 8:30 a.m. – Regular Board Meeting (VRSD Board Room)

ORAL REPORTS (Items 17 through 20)

It is recommended that the Board receive and file the following:

17. Regulatory Compliance Report (none)
18. Committee Reports

s  P&F Committee

19. Board Member Comments

Opportunity for Board members to briefly comment on matters they deem appropriate to the business of VRSD. A Board member may ask a question of staff for clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a brief report on his or her own activities related to the VRSD.   A Board member may also provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, or request staff to report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting concerning a matter related to the VRSD business. The Board may also direct staff to place a matter of business on a future VRSD Board agenda.

20. General Manager Comments

Brief announcements and report on General Manager and VRSD workforce activities.


CLOSED SESSIONS (Items 21 and 22)


It is the intention of the Ventura Regional Sanitation District Board of Directors to meet in closed session to consider the following item:





Melissa Grisales and Michael Castro



Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 721

International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 501

Non-represented Positions


  1. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Gov. Code, § 54957): Legal Counsel


REGULAR AGENDA (Item 23 only)


23. Approval of Proposed Contract No. 18-018 with Arnold LaRochelle Mathews VanConas & Zirbel, LLP (“A to Z Law”) for General Counsel Legal Services

Approve, and Authorize the Board Chair to sign, Contract No. 18-018 by and between VRSD and Arnold LaRochelle Mathews VanConas & Zirbel, LLP (“A to Z Law”) for General Counsel Legal Services.


ADJOURNMENT: Adjourn to the next Regular Meeting to be held September 6, 2018, 8:30 a.m. at the Ventura Regional Sanitation District office.